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Report on Mahcap Content Creation Masterclass

The Mahcap Content Creation and Creative Writing Masterclass trained approximately twenty-five (25) young Africans from over ten (10) African nations, including Ghana, Nigeria, Namibia, Rwanda, Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Botswana, Liberia, Kenya, Swaziland, and Tanzania virtually. The course focused on “Blogging and Article Writing,” emphasizing the importance of research and introducing free blogging platforms for new bloggers. The main objective of the Mahcap Blogging and Article Writing workshop is to empower African youth with essential skills that enable them to take the lead in shaping and telling the African narrative, as well as making pertinent information about their home countries available and accessible online. The program also seeks to equip participants with relevant content-creation skills to improve their job prospects while promoting mutual understanding and cultural appreciation among Africans.

Training Focus Areas

The training was from October 2023 to January 2024, led by our CEO, Huzeima Mahamadu. The training sessions focused on the following areas. 

  • Introduction and objectives of article writing
  • Types or styles of article writing
  • Format of article writing
  • Relevance of research in article writing
  • Capitalization in article writing
  • How to improve your article writing skills
  • Mistakes to avoid in article writing/blogging
  • Free platforms for blogging
  • How to publish your first blog article online
  • Design and Visuals in blogging

Teamwork and Skill Refinement

Participants were grouped for collaborative tasks, encouraging teamwork and creativity. They had practical lessons by publishing their articles online and received individual coaching sessions for tailored support.


Upon completion of the training, participants received certificates recognizing their dedication, commitment, and active participation in the program.

Outcomes and Impacts

Participants acquired the skills to write and publish articles on various online platforms, enabling them to apply for writing opportunities. Some even initiated their own blogs using free platforms such as Reddit and Medium. Here are a few testimonials from participants:

Mahcap training programs testimonials
Mahcap training and skills development program impacts and outcomes

Call for Action 

Mahcap welcomes partnerships with youth empowerment organizations to empower young people with essential skills in content creation, creative writing, research, CV writing, and PowerPoint presentation preparation, among others. Additionally, individual lessons are available for those interested.

Signed: Mahcap’s Communication Team.