Get to Know Us

Mahcap has a passionate and competent team striving to achieve the organization's goals.

Mahcap is a trustworthy research and content-creation company in Ghana, West Africa. We are committed to making information and insights about Africa accessible to all. Mahcap’s projects inform choices and decisions and contribute to achieving our continent’s development goals. Discover Africa’s vibrant cultures, diverse traditions, fascinating history, and development priorities through our extensive research, blog posts, and community and youth empowerment.

Our Mission

We are committed to promoting Africa by providing credible and innovative insights about it, ultimately enriching customers’ experiences and impacting lives.

Our Vision

Pioneering the future landscape of African content creation and research to meet the diverse information needs of readers and customers interested in Africa.

Mahcap has experience and valuable research assistants for data collection.
Volunteer research assistants and content team

Our Team

Our exceptional team brings a wealth of diverse experiences and exposures from across Africa. United in our commitment, we strive to achieve the company’s goals and deliver unparalleled experiences for our customers worldwide.

Huzeima Mahamadu, Founder and CEO of Mahcap.
Huzeima Mahamadu (MSc)

Founder /CEO

Ayisha Gunu Mohammed is the program officer at Mahcap and a graduate of agricultural biotechnology
Ayisha Gunu Mohammed (BSc)

Program Officer